We provide all of our customers including those requiring leaflet delivery in Leicestershire, with live GPS-tracked leaflet delivery, so they can watch the leaflets being delivered in real-time. This provides peace of mind that the leaflets are being delivered efficiently & exactly as our customers require. It also means that our distributors can be responsive to our customer's needs and even allows clients to adjust their distribution mid-campaign to capitalise on areas of highest response.
Unlike other companies' tracking services, which track the location of just a vehicle, each of our leaflet distributors is provided with their own personal tracker, which record's their position every few seconds to an accuracy of 5 metres and uploads this as they are actually delivering to our online customer tracking portal.
This service is particularly popular with clients that recognise that working with a professional leaflet distribution partner is a sure way to boost sales & crucial for companies sending leaflets or notices that require proof of delivery.
For example, businesses & planners sending out planning notices can ensure 100% coverage and in cases where a resident disputes receiving 'planning notice' provide residents with the exact time and date that the leaflet was delivered to their door.
In addition to this, we can provide you with mapped demographics data, so you can target your direct marketing more precisely. Read more about our demographics mapping here.
When the leaflet drop has finished, we will provide you with full reports which show the number of properites that were visited, the total number of properites in the area and how many were unavoidably missed and the specific addresses that were missed, (they are usually missed because they are no longer present or under maintenance). This is especially important for planning applications where 100% coverage needs to be achieved.